2024年10月5日(土)よりtHE GALLERY OMOTESANDOにて、
SHAWN-HOLLY(ショーン・ホリー)による個展「SHARE THE WEALTH / 共有」を開催いたします。
エミー賞に4度ノミネートされるなど、業界と西洋文化全体に忘れがたい足跡を残したショーン・ホリ―。そんな彼女がクリエイティブな才能を美術の分野にも発揮したのが、今回の展示「SHARE THE WEALTH / 共有」です。
We are pleased to announce that tHE GALLERY OMOTESANDO will host a solo exhibition by Shawn Holly titled “SHARE THE WEALTH” starting Saturday, October 5th, 2024.
This will be the first time for the gallery to host an exhibition by an artist from overseas. Shawn Holly, an accomplished costume designer famed for her work on several iconic Hollywood movies, will present ten large-scale collages printed on canvas.
A four-time Emmy nominee, Shawn Holly has left an indelible mark on the movie industry and Western culture as a whole. Her creative talent and inimitable vision are now demonstrated in the field of fine art in this thought-provoking exhibition titled “SHARE THE WEALTH”.
●SHAWN HOLLY profile
2024年、ショーン・ホリーはコスチュームデザインからビジュアルアートへと活動の場を移し、新たな章を開こうとしている。しばらくの間、ファインアートに才能を注いできた彼女は、2024年10月に東京で開催される『Share the Wealth / 共有』と題した展覧会で、その成果を披露する準備が整っている。
Shawn Holly is an accomplished costume designer who has worked on several iconic Hollywood movies. Her work has made a significant impact on the movie industry, leaving a lasting influence on Western culture. This work has garnered critical acclaim and multiple award nominations, solidifying her reputation as a visionary and a pioneering creative force.
Now, in 2024, Shawn Holly is opening a new chapter in her career by shifting from costume design to visual art. Having been focusing her talents on fine art for some time, she is ready to unveil the fruits of her labors with an exhibition titled Share the Wealth, set to open in Tokyo in October 2024.
The collection of ten large-scale canvas works showcases her visually arresting collages. Each piece blends captivating imagery with thought-provoking iconography, delivering a contemporary commentary on the spiritual and material aspects of wealth. These works draw the viewer into surreal, layered narratives that offer a glimpse into her distinctive artistic vision and the evolution of her creative expression.
ショーン・ホリーの視覚的な言語の使い方は、「Primal Love」と「Share the Wealth」という2つの作品を通して探ることができる。Primal Loveは、原始的な本能と精神性のつながりを掘り下げ、白いワニは自然と深い精神的な絆の両方を象徴している。女性の顔とワニの相互作用は、原始的な欲望と精神的な超越の間の恍惚とした緊張を明らかにしている。鮮やかな色彩と力強いイメージは、自然界と精神界の両方と人間のつながりについての理解を深める。
It was during our first meeting that I realized Shawn Holly embodies a unique expression of art—a universal language communicated through her work. Shawn has worked in film and television for years and is the creative force behind some of Western television’s most iconic stylings. Though she prefers not to mention it, I take the liberty because it’s crucial to understanding the depth of her knowledge of Western style and fashion, and the iconographic depths her work draws from.
Over her career in film and television, Shawn has developed a distinct visual language shaped by her complete immersion in the evolution of style and fashion. She has mastered a language that draws from every shoot, editorial, and reference material the world of fashion has created, forming a unique yet intuitive expression that is rooted in our collective dialogue of fashion and culture.
Shawn Holly’s command of her visual language can be explored through the two pieces Primal Love and Share the Wealth. Primal Love delves into the connection between primal instincts and spirituality, with the white crocodile symbolizing both nature and a deep spiritual bond. The interaction between the woman’s face and the crocodile reveals an ecstatic tension between primal desires and spiritual transcendence. The vivid colors and powerful imagery deepen our understanding of humanity’s connection to both the natural and spiritual worlds.
In Share the Wealth, the rainbow flowing from between the figure’s legs channels feminine energy and spiritual abundance. This energy is carried and distributed throughout the piece, reflecting the exhibition’s primary intent: to share Shawn’s spiritual wealth with the audience. The smaller figures, rooted in tradition and survival, embody how this spiritual energy is passed along and enriches beyond the material. Both works encourage viewers to engage with these symbols and explore the deeper, intuitive layers within them.
Shawn Holly’s ability to communicate universal themes through her visual language invites viewers to immerse themselves in her work, discovering how spiritual energy flows and is shared throughout each piece. I encourage you to explore these layers, delve into the depths of the exhibition, and experience the spiritual wealth that Shawn Holly so generously shares.
Alexander Mitchell
Address: SIX HARAJUKU TERRACE Building S, 2nd Floor, 5-16-13 Jingumae, Shibuya, Tokyo
Dates: Saturday October 5, 2024 – Thursday, October 24, 2024
Closed: October 7, 8, 15, 16, 21, 22
Hours: 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM