We have opened a new gallery “tHE GALLERY HARAJUKU” in Harajuku.
Why? I answer before you ask me why.
I believe that art is essentially about sharing values, similar to a religion.
The artist’s work (values) is the principle, and people who identify with it resonate with the work’s worldview.
The act of increasing the number of believers is what I consider to be art.
I am sorry if you say it is different, but that is how I see it.
The job of a curator exists to convey this principle.
And the gallery is the main sanctuary.
However, the curation I do is a bit habitual, and I am very strict about access to the main sanctuary.
What is a habit? If you want to know, please visit the gallery.
I’m going to start proselytizing to you with my best fundamentalists.
There are very few galleries that have a habit, if you think about it.
This is the reason why I dare to open a gallery now.
It’s because I have a strong habit.
Sometimes you are right, and sometimes you are wrong, depending on who you are.
The range is very large.
That is why I believe I can introduce you to principles that you have never seen or felt before.
Curator: Yasumasa Yonehara
Coming soon
Editor, creative director, photographer, DJ, and the only artist in the world to use a Cheki as his main device, Yonehara has worked extensively for magazines, CD jackets, fashion catalogs, and more. His popularity is high in China, where he has over 1.67 million followers on Sina Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter, and his events combining shooting and DJing are attracting a lot of attention in Asia. He is one of the Japanese artists who can speak about Japanese culture in his own words as well as his works, which are attracting attention in the global street scene.
Brand Producer / Entrepreneur
His job is to enhance the appeal of products, brands and companies and deliver them to the world.
He has managed a total of seven companies, ranging from the expansion of personalized foreign brands into Japan to IT-related businesses and entertainment businesses.
Later, until today, he has been in charge of 130 projects, including creative for brands such as foreign brands, domestic people, things, companies, programs, events, celebrities, TV commercials, and advertisements.
He continues to serve as a brand advisor, advisor, and producer for around 15 publicly listed companies in a wide variety of industries, as well as for top companies in the industry.
After working as a beautician in Japan, Kawajiri moved overseas and worked as a beautician there as well. He has developed real estate and financial businesses mainly in Southeast Asia.
He has been continuously involved in support activities for children’s medical care.
In recent years, he has been investing in companies in the entertainment and space fields and supporting those who lack access to education.
He established tHE GALLERY HARAJUKU to promote the talents of Japanese artists to the world.